Enneagram Assessment

Please set aside no less than 30-45 minutes to complete this Assessment.

Consider how well each word or phrase describes you and select the response that is the best fit:

A) If the word or words almost never fit you

B) If they rarely or seldom fit you

C) If they fit you occasionally

D) If they often or frequently fit you

E) If they almost always fit you.

Read each item with care, and choose responses according to how you think you really are and have been, rather than how you think you should be or would like to be.

Choose only one response per item, and try not to take too long on any one item.

In general, your very first reaction to a word or phrase is likely to be the most accurate one. However, upon reflection, you may change your answers.

1. high standards

2. supportive

3. accomplish

4. artistic

5. insightful

6. obedient

7. entertaining

8. strength

9. contented

10. principled

11. zealous

12. other-oriented

13. entrepreneur

14. ritual maker

15. behind the scenes

16. careful

17. sparkling

18. take charge

19. harmonious

20. generous

21. high minded

22. praise

23. executive

24. romantic

25. wise

26. dutiful

27. enjoy

28. tough-minded

29. unassuming

30. professional

31. painstaking

32. helpful

33. selling

34. deeply feeling

35. objective observer

36. honor commitments

37. many possibilities

38. self-assured

39. peacemaker

40. original

41. excellence

42. empathic

43. succeed

44. life as drama

45. dry

46. vigilant

47. wow

48. independent

49. no big deal

50. private

51. righteous

52. smothering

53. on the go

54. aristocratic

55. heady

56. security-seeker

57. dreamer

58. need to triumph

59. lethargic

60. cautioning

61. preaching

62. need to love and be loved

63. smooth operator

64. special

65. move away from

66. doubting

67. too many options

68. bossy

69. indifferent

70. avoid pain

71. resentful

72. flattery

73. type A behavior

74. yearning

75. uninvolved

76. imagine the worst

77. self-indulgent

78. impulsive

79. unambitious

80. vengeful

81. try hard

82. placater

83. image maker

84. abandoned

85. stingy

86. fearful or counter fearful

87. dilettante

88. abrasive

89. avoid conflict

90. lazy

91. critical

92. approval seeking

93. opportunistic

94. melancholy

95. loner

96. look for hidden intentions

97. pleasure seeking

98. aggressive

99. resignation

100. unhappy

101. uptight

102. stroke to be stroked

103. upwardly mobile

104. moody

105. hide and peek

106. legalist

107. chatty

108. tough skinned

109. procrastinate

110. correctness-seeking

111. perfectionist

112. dependent

113. looking good

114. longing

115. isolated

116. follower

117. addicted to highs

118. power seeking

119. vague

120. mothering

121. critique

122. difficult to receive

123. popularity

124. suffering

125. withholding

126. worrying

127. spotlight seeker

128. move against

129. inattentive

130. achievement seeking

131. rigid

132. caretaker

133. salesmanship

134. self-absorbed

135. invisible

136. suspicious

137. fantasy

138. debunking

139. self-forgetful

140. envious

141. judgmental

142. overprotective

143. performer

144. intensity seeking

145. don't display warmth

146. hesitant

147. rose colored glasses

148. intimidate

149. what's the difference

150. withdraw

151. accountable

152. compliment

153. productive

154. aesthetic

155. synthesize

156. lawful

157. carefree

158. confront

159. laid back

160. propriety

161. high morals

162. comforting

163. marketing

164. poetic

165. knowledgeable

166. get details

167. excited

168. blunt

169. let it be

170. cheerful

171. exact

172. pleasing

173. in the scene

174. sense of tragic

175. reserved

176. cautious

177. playful

178. powerful

179. unpretentious

180. assertive

181. disciplined

182. giving

183. multi projects

184. beautify

185. scholar

186. sober

187. fascination

188. self-directed

189. blend in

190. relaxed

191. high ideals

192. soft-hearted

193. engineer

194. tasteful

195. quiet

196. faithful

197. talkative

198. stand up for rights

199. settled

200. happy